Things You Might Like to Ask
Do I have to wear uniform ?
Yes! It is called our Dress Code and it is worn during the school day.
Is jewellery allowed ?
You may wear one ear-stud, neck-chain or flat ring.
Can I bring in pocket money ?
Yes! But you must give it in to your Unit staff to look after if you are in the Bird's or Jet's Units. In Phoenix and Oaks you are responsible for your own money because you are older
What can I bring into school ?
Anything clearly marked that you can lock in a locker (walkman, computer games, mobile phone, etc.). If you lose them, it is your responsibility.
Do you have school rules ?
Yes! You have a copy on the back of your class timetable.
Can I go out ?
The school operates a Mobility System - the better you behave, the more freedom you are allowed. You are allowed different degrees of freedom, depending on your Mobility Grade and your Parents permission. Only boys in Year 11 are allowed Maximum Mobility.
Where do I live in School ?
In Lower School you will live in a Unit with up to 20 other boys. You will either share an alcove or a dormitory with other boys
In Upper School you will share or have you own room.
What is the food like ?
There is a good choice and plenty of it. A daily menu is put on the board in the dining-room each day. Bird's and Jets Units have all meals in the dining-room but boys in Phoenix and Oak's have breakfast and some teas in their own Units. Day boys have lunch with the rest of the school.
There is also a Tuck shop which is open Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4PM.
Who can I talk to ?
You have a Keyworker who helps you to put things right when they go wrong and who keeps in touch with home.
How do I find my way around ?
You will have a Buddy to show you the ropes for the first few days.
Will someone meet me on my first day ?
Yes! Your Buddy and Keyworker will be waiting to greet you.
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