St. Nicholas School aims to enable all of its pupils to develop to their full potential as individuals. In order to achieve this, the School recognises that:
- Every pupil has the right to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum which promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of each pupil;
- an ethos should exist within the School which ensures that each pupil enjoys equality of esteem and opportunity;
- collaboration with the family of each individual pupil must be undertaken in meeting the needs of that pupil;
- the development of confidence, self-esteem and self-advocacy for each pupil must be promoted at every available opportunity;
- stimulating, learning environments which promote exploration, problem solving and independence must be provided for all pupils;
- that each pupil must be prepared for adult life through a wide range of social and vocational experiences;
- the professional development of all staff must be promoted at all times to enhance their contribution to good practice within the school and special education in general.
It must be stressed that for boarding pupils the Aims of the School apply just as much to the boarding element of the school as they do to the educational element.